Rosario Gianluca PIZZONE
My research activity mainly focuses on the measurement of cross-sections of nuclear reactions of astrophysical interest using indirect methods (THM) applied to various astrophysical contexts such as primordial nucleosynthesis, stellar burning phases, or explosive events. Right after completing my Ph.D. (XIV cycle), I worked as a research fellow at INFN-LNS (Catania) within the Nuclear Astrophysics group ASFIN until 2005. In 2005, I won a tenure-track researcher position at INFN LNS, which was later converted into a permanent contract in 2009. From 2005 to 2016, I was also a lecturer at UNI-CT, teaching General Physics courses for various degree programs.
In 2011-2012, I spent a 15 months period as a visiting scientist at Texas A&M University in College Station (USA), working on nuclear astrophysics experiments using the MARS facility for the production of unstable nuclei (18F, 26Al). In 2011, I was appointed the Local Coordinator of the ASFIN group at LNS, and since 2016, I have become the National Coordinator of the group, overseeing the activities of around 40 researchers distributed among the INFN sections of LNS, PD, PG, and Na within the framework of the National Scientific Commission 3 of INFN.
In 2020, I secured a position as a senior researcher at INFN-LNS. Since October 1, 2023, I have been an associate professor in the scientific-disciplinary sector FIS/01 - experimental physics.
I performed several nuclear astrophysics experiments in several Italian and international laboratories (Riken, Texas A&M, CIAE, TRIUMF,UJF, FSU, Notre Dame)
I am a co-organizer and Chair of the European Summer School on Experimental Nuclear Astrophysics, which takes place every two years in Catania.
2016-present National Coordinator (Spokesperson) of the nuclear astrophysics group ASFIN (GR3-INFN), coordinating researchers at LNS and sections in Perugia, Naples, and Padua.
2023 - present Associated Research Scientist to INFN LNS
2023 Member of the Working Group on Nuclear Astrophysics for the preparation of the Nupecc LRP and reference person for primordial nucleosynthesis.
2018-2023 Representative of Researchers at the LNS CDL.
1998-present Spokesperson for many nuclear astrophysics experiments. These experiments were conducted by coordinating scientists from national and international institutions.
1999-present First author of 15 "regular" publications, co-author of a total of approximately 298 ISI publications (320 Scopus), h-index = 48 (source: ISIWEB of Knowledge, October 2023); ORCID
2009-present Co-Chair of the European Summer School on Experimental Nuclear Astrophysics. Member of the LOC since 2001.
2022-present Chair of the International Scientific Committee of the International Symposium on Nuclear Astrophysics – Manipal - India.
2019-present Member of the Physics Panel at FWO – Belgium.
2020-present Associate Editor of Frontiers in Physics and Universe.
Main Research Collaborations:
- Riken – CNS Tokyo University
- University of Notre Dame (USA)
- TRIUMF (Canada)
- University of Texas (USA)
- CIAE (China)
Member of the scientific committees of the Russbach Nuclear Astrophysics School (since 2010) and the Symposium on Nuclear Physics (Cocoyoc) since 2018.
Referee for the Italian MUR for Firb projects, FWO (Belgium), and the Nuclear Physics Center (Kazakhstan). Referee for European Physics Journal A, Journal of Physics G, Astrophysical Journal, and other international peer-reviewed journals.
Qualified for University teaching in:
- Since 2017: Category 1 for Astrophysics and Space Physics (sector 02/C1).
- Since 2014: Category 1 for Experimental Physics of Fundamental Interactions (sector 02/A1).
January 2002: Ph.D. in Physics (cum laude), University of Catania, Thesis: "Electron screening in fusion reactions." Followed courses in cosmology, astrophysics, and nuclear astrophysics.
July 1998: Bachelor's degree in Physics (Astrophysical and Space Physics), University of Catania, Thesis: "Study of the 6Li(d,α)4He reaction in the context of inhomogeneous Big Bang."
Awards and Recognitions:
- 2002: National SIF Prize for young researchers.
- 2001: Prize for young researchers who graduated from the University of Catania of the Gioenia Academy.
- 2001: National SIF Prize for young researchers.
- 2014-2018: Co-advisor for Ph.D. theses (University of Catania).
- Academic year 2007/2008: Co-advisor for Master's theses.
- Academic year 2013/2014: Co-advisor for Master's theses.
- Academic year 2018/19: Co-advisor for Master's theses.
- Academic year 2022/23: Co-advisor for Master's theses.
- 2019-2021: Advisor for a Post-doctoral fellowship for foreign researchers at INFN LNS.
- 2016-2018: Advisor for a Post-doctoral fellowship for foreign researchers at INFN LNS.
Organization and Coordination of Conferences, Schools, and Scientific Events:
- 2012-present: Chair of the LOC for the European Summer School on Experimental Nuclear Astrophysics (100 participants, 5 editions) - Italy.
- 2021-present: Member of the LOC for the Digital School Series SNAQ’s (School on nuclear astrophysics questions).
- 2019: Member of the Scientific Advisory Committee for the GIANTS19 workshop, Genoa.
- 2003-2009: Scientific Secretary for the European Summer School on Experimental Nuclear Astrophysics (100 participants, 4 editions) – Italy.
- 2017: Member of the Local Organizing Committee for the Arzarchiel School in Astronomy, Portopalo (100 participants), Italy.
- 2016: Member of the Local Organizing Committee for the Conference Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics (170 participants), Catania, Italy.
- 2001-2009: Member of the Local Organizing Committee for the European Summer School on Experimental Nuclear Astrophysics (100 participants, 5 editions) - Italy.
Editor of Peer-Reviewed Publications:
- 2007: Editor of the EAS Publications Series No. 27, proceedings of the Third European Summer School on Experimental Nuclear Astrophysics, eds. M. Busso, R.G. Pizzone, C. Rolfs, C. Spitaleri, A. Tumino, EDP Sciences.
- 2016: Editor of the Journal of Physics Conference Series No. 703, publication of the proceedings of the Eighth European Summer School on Experimental Nuclear Astrophysics, eds. C. Spitaleri, L. Lamia, R.G. Pizzone.
- 2017: Editor of the Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics proceedings, EPJ Web of Conferences No. 165, eds. La Cognata, Lattuada, Palmerini, Pizzone, Spitaleri.
- 2018: Editor of the EPJ Web of Conferences No. 184, publication of the proceedings of the Ninth European Summer School on Experimental Nuclear Astrophysics, eds. C. Spitaleri, L. Lamia, R.G. Pizzone.
- 2022: Editor of the EPJ Web of Conferences, publication of the proceedings of the Eleventh European Summer School on Experimental Nuclear Astrophysics, eds. La Cognata, M.; Lamia, L.; Pizzone, R.G.; Romano, S.
- Editor of a research topic in "Frontiers in Physics" and "Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Science" with colleagues L. Lamia and S. Degl’Innoccenti, titled "Nuclear reactions of astrophysical interest," published in 2021.
- Associate Editor of Universe and Frontiers in Physics.
Last Update Novembre 2023
Academic Year 2015/2016
Bachelor's Degree in Dietistic - 1st Year
- primordial nucleosynthesis, lithium problem;
- electron screening effect;
- cross section measurements of astrophysical interest with indirect methods (stable/unstable beams);
- reaction mechanisms and clustering in light nuclei;
- reactions of astrophysical interest in laser-induced plasma.
Ultimo aggiornamento/Last Update Novembre 2024