Academic Year 2020/2021 - 1° Year - Curriculum PHYSICS APPLIED TO CULTURAL HERITAGE, ENVIRONMENT AND MEDICINECredit Value: 6
Scientific field: FIS/01 - Experimental physics
Taught classes: 42 hours
Term / Semester: 1°
Learning Objectives
Learning objectives
Il corso si propone di fornire allo studente gli elementi di base e una panoramica sullo stato dell’arte delle catene elettroniche associate a rivelatori di radiazioni e particelle: conoscenza delle architetture elettroniche per l’estrazione ottimale delle informazioni prodotte nei rivelatori; Criteri di progetto dell’elettronica di front-end e della caratterizzazione dei rivelatori; metodologie di indagine utilizzate per lo studio del funzionamento dei circuiti elettronici e dei risultati delle misure.
The course aims to provide the student with the basic elements and an overview of the state of the art of electronic chains associated with radiation and particle detectors: knowledge of electronic architectures for the optimal extraction of the information produced in the detectors; Project criteria for front-end electronics and detector characterization; methodologies used to study the operation of electronic circuits and measurement results.
knowledge and understanding
Understanding of the main phenomena that determine electronic noise. Knowledge of the methods for the optimization of the noise signal ratio. Time and charge measures. Analog-digital conversion. Programmable logic. Electronic simulators and test equipment. Calculation programs for automatic analysis of results.
Applying knowledge and understanding
Ability to identify essential blocks of an electronic chain associated with a detector. Ability to simulate and verify the operation of electronic circuits. Ability to build automated testing and analysis platforms. Ability to use tools to apply solutions to new problems (problem solving) and in different contexts.
Communication skills
Communication skills in detectors and associated electronics.
Learning skills.
Acquisition of appropriate cognitive tools for the continuous updating of knowledge and the ability to access specialized literature in the field of electronics associated with detectors.
Course Structure
Should the circumstances require online or blended teaching, appropriate modifications to what is hereby stated may be introduced, in order to achieve the main objectives of the course.
Lectures are conducted in the classroom using a multimedia board to allow interactivity with the students and the integration of the teaching material.
During the lessons, the students can intervene for questions or in-depth analysis. In the final part of each lesson, the teacher carries out a sample check of the learning level and introduces the contents of the following class.
Learning assessment may also be carried out on line, should the conditions require it.
Detailed Course Content
Theory of the signals. Physics of Electronic devices. Introduction on the mechanisms of detection; simplified model of the detector: The electronic noise, measurement strategies. Optimization of the signal to noise ratio and influence in the measures of time, charge, energy, hit. Voltage, current, and charge amplifiers. The preamplifier, the shaper, shaping of signals, and signal-to-noise. Transmission lines in the time domain, ideal, and lossy line. The SPICE simulator. The sampling and the analog-digital conversion (ADC); The programmable logic. Basics on LabView platform for the automatic acquisition and analysis of the results.
Textbook Information
Topics Text references
1 Signals, Systems and Operators Lesson notes(Handouts)
2 Electronic device physics Lesson notes(Handouts)
3 Bipolar transistors and polarization schemes Lesson notes(Handouts)
4 Signal theory Lesson notes(Handouts)
5 Circuit elements and electric circuits Lesson notes(Handouts)
6 Operational amplifiers Lesson notes(Handouts)
7 Electronic front-end and read-out chains for detectors Lesson notes(Handouts)
8 Scintillators Lesson notes(Handouts)
9 Solid-state photomultipliers Lesson notes(Handouts)
10 Transmission lines Lesson notes(Handouts)
The handouts will be available on the Microsoft Teams of the Course platform at:
Reference Textbook
1) H. Spieler, Semiconductor Detector Systems, Oxford Science Publications;
2) Bolognesi - Tecnologia dei semiconduttori - Zanichelli - 1965;
3) Calzolari, Grafi - Elementi di elettronica - Zanichelli- 1984;
4) Massobrio - Modelli dei Dispositivi a Semiconduttore - Angeli - 1986;
5) Millman - Circuiti e Sistemi Microelettronici - Boringheri - 1985.