Corsi / Syllabi : Ciclo 33 / 33th Cycle
- Advanced detection techniques in medical physics (Prof. G. Cuttone)
- Advanced numerical methods of physics (Prof. G.G.N. Angilella)
- Advanced topics in nuclear astrophysics (Dr. M. La Cognata)
- Analog and digital electronics for modern detectors (Prof. D. Lo Presti)
- Applications of the Functional Renormalization Group in Field Theory (Dr. D. Zappalà)
- Elementi di Fisica dei Raggi Cosmici (Prof. A. Insolia)
- Exoplanets (Dr. I. Pagano)
- Experimental searches for Dark Matter (Dr. M. De Napoli)
- Hadron physics at Jefferson Lab: New frontiers on trackers, calorimeters and magnetic spectrometers (Dr. C. Sutera)
- Introduction to Neutrino Physics (Prof. V. Bellini)
- Magnetic fields in neutron stars (Prof. A. Lanzafame)
- Physics and Astrophysics of neutron stars (Dr. F. Burgio)
- Plasma Physics for Interdisciplinary Research (Dr. D. Mascali)
- Quantum dynamics and control of open quantum systems (Prof. E. Paladino)
- Quantum Technologies (Prof. G. Falci)
- Star-planet interactions in extrasolar planetary systems (Dr. A. F. Lanza)
- Strong Interactions at Finite Temperature and Density (Prof. V. Greco)
- Sun - Earth Connection and Space Weather (Prof. F. Zuccarello)
- The Monte Carlo method in nuclear and applied physics basics of GEANT4/GEANTV toolkit (Dr. P. Cirrone)
- The Time scale of nuclear reactions (Prof. A. Pagano)