Anno accademico 2015/2016 - 1° anno - Curriculum FISICA DELLA MATERIA
Docente: Luigi AMICO
Crediti: 6
Organizzazione didattica: 150 ore d'impegno totale, 102 di studio individuale, 48 di lezione frontale

Prerequisiti richiesti

Fondamenti di meccanica statistica, Fondamenti di Fisica dei molti corpi, seconda quantizzazione.

Frequenza lezioni

Se concordato con gli studenti e/o in presenza di studenti stranieri, frequentanti nell’ambito di accordi Erasmus o di accordi quadro internazionali, il corso potra’ essere tenuto in lingua inglese.

Contenuti del corso

  • Critical Phenomena.

Phase transitions, critical points, scaling, the role of dimensionality. The concepts of phase and symmetry. Conformal invariance. Landau Theory: symmetry breaking.

  • Quantum Phase transitions.

The Ising model. Solidification transition. Transfer matrix formalism.

Correlation functions. The correspondence between statistical and quantum mechanics. The notion of a quantum phase transition.

  • Impact of quantum phase transitions.

Example of quantum phase transitions and their relevance for modern quantum material science.Quantum technology.

  • The quantum Ising model.

Transverse Ising Model in one-dimension: ground state, quantum critical point, duality argument, exact solution by Jordan-Wigner transformation.

  • Quantum phase transition in systems of strongly interacting bosons.

The Bose-Hubbard model.Phase diagram. Physical realizations:Josephson junctions arrays, Cold atoms trapped in optical lattices.

  • The quantum critical regime.

The effects of quantum criticality at finite temperature. Thermal crossover and quantum critical region. Thermal crossover in one dimensional Ising model in trasverse field.

  • Topological matter.

Beyond Landau-symmetry breaking. Topological order. Topological quantum phase transitions in two spatial dimensions. Elements of lattice gauge theories. Topological order in one spatial dimension.

  • Quantum phases of matter.

Entanglement in many-body systems. Short Vs long range entanglement in extended systems. Modern classification of quantum phases of matter.

Testi di riferimento

S. Sachdev, “Quantum Phase Transitions” (Cambridge University press 2011).

-X.G. Wen, “Quantum Field Theory of Many-body Systems: From the Origin of Sound to an Origin of Light and Electrons”, (Oxford University press 2007).